Amelie Tremblay
March 3, 2025

What is a custom dashboard?

A custom dashboard is a personalized visualization tool that allows users to tailor the display of relevant data and key performance indicators (KPIs) to their specific needs. 

It provides a user-centric approach, emphasizing relevance, interactivity, and integration of real-time updates from various sources. Custom dashboards are an integral part of strategies such as Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and Revenue Operations (RevOps).

Avoiding the Risk of Silos

Departmental silos are a major risk factor for expanding firms, as they can result in goals that are not linked and tactics that are disjointed. To provide a targeted and integrated view of KPIs across marketing, sales, and RevOps, specialized or customs dashboards serve as a kind of bridge. 

That’s because these dashboards are more than just meter displays, they are strategic platforms that promote team success and guarantee that all teams are working together toward the same goals.

Marketing Dashboards and Visibility

Marketing executives need dashboards that use data to speak to the customer. Everything from customer involvement and content reach to campaign performance and lead generation should be included in specialized marketing dashboards.

Through the use of this information, marketers can continuously adjust efforts to better resonate with the target market and make significant, and measurable, contributions to the sales funnel.

Real-Time Campaign Analysis

Instant analysis is an essential tool because it gives marketers the ability to examine ongoing campaign metrics in real time. 

Custom dashboards allow for quick responses to changes in the market and client behavior. Acting promptly toward these changes is essential for maximizing a business’s return on investment (ROI) and optimizing marketing expenditure.

Aligning with Broader Objectives

While marketing dashboards focus on specific KPIs, they must align with broader business objectives. This ensures that marketing efforts contribute to the overall growth of the organization, driving not just visibility but also tangible results.

Sales Dashboards and Conversion

Monitoring Sales Performance

Sales leaders thrive on conversion metrics, and their dashboards provide clear visibility into the sales funnel. From initial contact to deal closure, custom sales dashboards track progress and performance, and identify bottlenecks and opportunities for acceleration. This focus helps sales teams stay on target and better meet their quotas.

Predictive Analytics for Sales Forecasting

Beyond current performance, sales dashboards leverage predictive analytics to forecast future trends – think of it as having a type of crystal ball. This foresight enables sales leaders to anticipate market changes and prepare strategies that capitalize on upcoming opportunities or mitigate potential risks.

Collaborative Insight Sharing

Sales dashboards are not meant to be exclusive but to facilitate the sharing of insights among teams. Custom dashboards guarantee that marketing campaigns and RevOps initiatives are informed by useful sales data by offering a platform for cross-departmental communication.

RevOps Dashboards and Bridging the Gap Between Teams

RevOps is the hub for sales and marketing, and custom dashboards serve as these departments' meeting places. 

They offer a thorough understanding of the client lifecycle and a better way to coordinate marketing and sales activities with customer success programs. This all-encompassing strategy makes sure that income prospects are utilized and that the client experience is flawless.

Dashboard Perks

Custom dashboards monitor lead response times, customer retention rates, and other operational efficiency metrics. They draw attention to areas where procedures may be strengthened to better serve marketing and sales, creating a culture of ongoing development.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Ultimately, the purpose of RevOps and custom dashboards is to encourage data-driven decision-making within the company. These dashboards give leaders a consolidated picture of critical information, enabling them to make well-informed decisions that promote efficiency and growth.

Where ABM RevOps Comes In

Digital technology is transforming conventional revenue models into Account-Based RevOps, which takes a more focused and account-oriented approach. 

High-value accounts are given priority in this strategy change, which promotes effective teamwork and resource allocation. 

Since a strong IT stack is essential to navigating this disruptive terrain, custom dashboards are crucial to this evolution. That’s because they offer a consolidated and customized view of critical metrics necessary for Account-Based RevOps performance.

Teams can leverage these tools to shift from broad-based marketing and sales initiatives to intensively focused on key accounts by utilizing custom dashboards. 

The customizable features enable the identification of key accounts and provide a thorough insight into client wants which opens the way for significant revenue growth.

Increasing Sales and Marketing Results

Custom dashboards for sales, marketing, and ABM RevOps go beyond basic metric tracking to ensure that these KPIs inform and enhance one another. 

When considerations are given to the specific needs of each department and the organization's overall goals, businesses can promote collaboration, avoid organizational silos, and focus coordinated efforts on common objectives. 

Work with our team to find the dashboard that is right for your business. At Bane Digital we work closely with your team to leverage strategic assets that are right for your specific needs. Learn how our bespoke dashboard options can improve and increase your business.